As it is amusing to realize, that very much often, in the life we use those by words and those by expressions, which not absolutely precisely define(determine) our true attitude(relation) to this or that situation. Lexical stupid holds down true variety of the emotional forms of our speech.. How often, you set to yourselves stereotyped questions initially incorrectly formulated and which are not passing true meaning(importance)? For example, after small disappointment, you ask yourselves: " Why in this life all is adjusted against me? " … IT In a ROOT the NOT correctly PUT QUESTION! You see, on the business, you wanted to learn(find out) the true reason from which correction, you can avoid similar troubles in the future?! And it has turned out, absolutely of other sort, the statement of a question, which ALREADY pawns in you wrong (biassed) perception(recognition) of a situation. Easier speaking, only that you have used a sample question which is not reflecting your objective estimation of a situation, you, in result, have received effect from disinformation of a shade of this question. And you know, that words (as well as the ideas) have property to be embodied in a reality,materialisation! It is very simple for understanding!, rich palette of emotional paints, being embodied and being passed in your words, change your attitude(relation) to itself and environmental world, and can change self-consciousness of your individuality! Forget about intellectual and lexical expense! Will suffice, as parrots to copy motivators and successful trainers! Bring up THE INDIVIDUALITY! Aspire correctly to take possession statement of questions, which you you interest also, already in a question, can find the answer! You see, as someone from wise men " the correctly given question, already in itself the answer to this question repeatedly spoke,! " So use, friends, this surprising wisdom! Only the one depends on you whom you want by to become, whom YOU are actually and what YOUR way in this, perfect, life by! The you - creator! And one of the most important tools of your Success, are WORDS!All it is very easy and is accessible to everyone, who has devoted the charming life, achievement of Happiness! Good luck and perfect Victories, Winners!
Buyanov Dmitry(DIMAX ENERGY)
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